Recent content by Cold-Egg

  1. Cold-Egg

    Can anyone tell me whether it is necessary to upgrade OpenLiteSpeed to 1.8.1?

    Some minor issues are still pending to be fixed with v1.8.1, build master will push it once it's stabled.
  2. Cold-Egg

    Not able to upgrade from 1.7.19 to 1.8.1

    You can also use /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ -v 1.8.1 command to upgrade it manually.
  3. Cold-Egg

    Connection idle time too long: 31 while in state: 2 watching for event: 4, close!

    Hi, @3dpoder Please try upgrading OLS to version v1.7.18, then empty the Memory Soft Limit (bytes), Memory Hard Limit (bytes), Process Soft Limit, and Process Hard Limit value from the web admin > External App > PHP version you are using. Then test it again and let us know if it works.
  4. Cold-Egg

    Issue with Celery on One-Click OpenLiteSpeed Django Server.

    No problem, happy to help.
  5. Cold-Egg

    (Help) Automatic png, jpg to webp conversion on wordpress

    OLS support rewrite, do you have rewrite and auto load .htaccess enabled? If not, please check Not sure why the Vary:accept is needed, if you want to custom the header, please follow...
  6. Cold-Egg

    how to set SSL over PORT X ?

    Use this as an example, map example, which means the domain maps to the example virtual host. So, a 404 is expected if you remove all virtual host mapping. For the incorrect content, it depends on your virtual hosts's document root settings. See step...
  7. Cold-Egg

    Issue with Celery on One-Click OpenLiteSpeed Django Server.

    Check the std error log, you might need to fix something from the Python code, ImportError: cannot import name 'Celery' from partially initialized module 'celery' (most likely due to a circular import) It's a Djando-related issue. To fix it, please update the file to a new name...
  8. Cold-Egg

    GeoIP Legacy not picking up country

    @Colcol Check this one
  9. Cold-Egg

    Issue with Celery on One-Click OpenLiteSpeed Django Server.

    Hi @Doulos Package installed pip list | grep celery celery 5.4.0 django-celery-beat 2.6.0 Module added INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages'...
  10. Cold-Egg

    (Help) Automatic png, jpg to webp conversion on wordpress

    Does it work if you visit the png and webp images directly from the browser? If so, a general rewriterule should work. I'm not pretty sure how the WebP Express extension handles the serving webp to the browser, you might want to contact them with more information.
  11. Cold-Egg

    how to set SSL over PORT X ?

    I don't get it, are you able to visit the site with that specific port now? If not, what did you see on the screen?
  12. Cold-Egg

    put [address *:443 *:port] into [httpd_config.conf] is correct for ADD SSL to X port ?

    add more listeners, e.g. listener https { address *:443 secure 1 keyFile /usr/local/lsws/conf/example.key certFile /usr/local/lsws/conf/example.crt map example } listener http { address...
  13. Cold-Egg

    Issue with Celery on One-Click OpenLiteSpeed Django Server.

    Hi, May I know if you have installed the celery within virtualenv? Please also try to restart the lswsgi process with the command "killall lswsgi". If the above method does not help, please check the error log, it should record some useful information.
  14. Cold-Egg

    put [address *:443 *:port] into [httpd_config.conf] is correct for ADD SSL to X port ?

    To open more listeners on those ports, here's an example. Use web admin to setup if you aren't sure about the syntax, listener https { address *:443 secure 1 keyFile /usr/local/lsws/conf/example.key certFile...
  15. Cold-Egg

    how to set SSL over PORT X ?

    The config you input is probably invalid, here's an example listener. Use web admin to setup if you aren't sure about the syntax, listener https { address *:443 secure 1 keyFile /usr/local/lsws/conf/example.key certFile...