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    Setting up custom headers made phpmyadmin screen blank

    So what is the difference customising the header vs leaving it enabled by default? more control?
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    Setting up custom headers made phpmyadmin screen blank

    Hi Cold-Egg, It is as follows: I've just copied the instructions one to one.
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    Setting up custom headers made phpmyadmin screen blank

    So i've been looking at the browser cache settings and tried setting up custom headers but now my phpmyadmin screen is blank after following instructions here: Deleting the custom header made it work again but just wondering if there...
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    GCP Deployment VM Instance Serial Console Login details

    thank you for your reply. Which script do i use to delete it?
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    GCP Deployment VM Instance Serial Console Login details

    Hi @Cold-Egg, Another question regarding virtual hosts - i figured i'll comment in this thread to avoid extra new posts. I have setup using the Auto setup that installs Listener/VirtualHost/Force SSL/Let's Encrypt/WordPress...
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    openlitespeed-wordpress on Google Cloud depreciated?

    oh! i understand now. well I was always under the impression that it's a fee set by google similar to apple app store fees developers pay to have their apps listed. But if you prefer setting it all up on your own then you wouldn't need to worry about the fees.
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    openlitespeed-wordpress on Google Cloud depreciated?

    Hi John, Could you clarify this $4.00 pcm you are talking about as i couldn't see it anywhere in the billing or deployment section of the marketplace solution?
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    GCP Deployment VM Instance Serial Console Login details

    Unrelated question, I need to deploy a wordpress instance that uses PHP 8.0 instead of php 8.1. Is it possible to modify the deployment file or is there documentation on how i can downgrade it after deployment?
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    GCP Deployment VM Instance Serial Console Login details

    Yeah i've done that. So in this case if the SSH does not work and no password was set I would have been S.O.L? (shit out of luck) Glad i managed to salvage the disk... phew.
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    GCP Deployment VM Instance Serial Console Login details

    Hi Cold-Egg, thank you for responding. So abit of context one of my administrators shut down the instance while on the road and lost connection and corrupted the instance. When we tried to SSH into it we couldn't and it gave us authorisation errors and asked us to check sshd and serial console...
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    GCP Deployment VM Instance Serial Console Login details

    Hi, I have an issue with my VM instance and i need to connect to serial console but it's asking me for a password. Was a default password set up when I deployed it and what is that?. I've even tried adding an automation script: #!/bin/bash useradd arithmatics echo arithmatics:pass911 |...
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    GCP OLS Wordpress Reset Initial Setup Script

    I understand. thank you. that helps alot. I'll give it a go. and say for example if i wanted to switch hosts from GCP to AWS I have found that migrating through the duplicator plugin as per instructions here: seems to...
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    GCP OLS Wordpress Reset Initial Setup Script

    Hi, firstly to preface I am completely new to this and have only ever used GCP to deploy ols wordpress instances and am self-taught. I have made a Machine Image backup in GCP and have created a new instance but now am wondering if its possible to reset the initial setup script for me to change...
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    openlitespeed-wordpress on Google Cloud depreciated?

    Okay no worries. hope it gets back up and running asap
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    openlitespeed-wordpress on Google Cloud depreciated?

    Just wanted to confirm as i logged into google cloud to spin up a new instance and i'm met with this message: Is it true? the easy click deployment is no longer supported on GCP?