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  1. lsmichael

    How To Upgrade To New Version

    :rolleyes: Hmmmm. You're right. We don't have this anywhere. Make install-ing the latest version preserves your configurations. For CentOS, you can just yum install openlitespeed because we have an official repository. I'm not sure how this works with Stefano's Debian repository. But, yes...
  2. lsmichael

    nginx is no more

    Howdy, Sorry for the stupid question. I was away all last week (Germany!) and didn't see the reports on the Google Group. The developers have seen this now and will be fixing it in 1.3.1. m
  3. lsmichael

    nginx is no more

    Maybe you've put this somewhere else, but care to share some of the CSS errors? Is it something to do with changing from nginx to OpenLiteSpeed, or is it specifically an OpenLiteSpeed issue?
  4. lsmichael

    OpenLiteSpeed/myBB vs Friendly URL's

    Howdy Tracy, Correct me if I'm wrong, but this looks like the issue I spoke about in this thread: Namely, these rewrite rules are written for .htaccess files and not virtual hosts. A rule in an .htaccess file assumes the filesystem...
  5. lsmichael

    Rewrite problem

    Actually, not exactly the same. I believe the location should have a . at the beginning. I might be wrong about that, though...
  6. lsmichael

    Rewrite problem

    Check this out: The important thing for password protecting a single file is making the Location and URI the same. I promise I will update the documentation in the WebAdmin for this as soon as I can...
  7. lsmichael

    Rewrite problem

    I'm glad you found that yourself. I have no idea how long it would have taken for us to figure that one out. ;)
  8. lsmichael

    Rewrite in Virtual Host Templates

    Howdy, You could add the virtual host under the vhost template (Member Virtual Hosts) and then instantiate it. That turns it into a standalone vhost and so you can add rewrite rules specific to that virtual host. Or am I misunderstanding something? Michael
  9. lsmichael

    Rewrite in Virtual Host Templates

    Howdy Art, I'm a little confused by this question. Virtual Host templates have a Rewrite tab. Is there something that you'd like to do that you can't do in that tab? Michael
  10. lsmichael

    Path Problem Version 1.2.9

    How did you find the problem? It might be helpful for other people to know. Michael
  11. lsmichael

    Slow Load Connection Time Out

    The techs say you'll need still more information. Try packet sniffing with tcpdump and see what you find. Michael