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  1. E

    High CPU usage with 0 traffic.

    InnoDB engine causes that if your system has low memory and shared cpu. I converted my tables to MyISAM. InnoDB was good almost over 600k products. However requires much more system resources than MyISAM. Totally sucked my monthly budget way over. You can think about to work with a database...
  2. E

    OLS not starting

    When i disabled the firewall, i was able to reach frontend and backend. Then restarted the server and activated firewall and the problem gone away.
  3. E

    OLS not starting

    I forgat to add that, I updated the ubuntu 18.04 lts before applying the OLS settings. Do you think its related with it? Now I disabled the firewall temporarily. Now I can access the backend of OLS and the domain is online. Enabled the firewall. Backend frontend still available. However...
  4. E

    OLS not starting

    root@web-vm:/dev/shm/ols# service lsws restart Job for lshttpd.service failed because the service did not take the steps required by its unit configuration. See "systemctl status lshttpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. root@web-vm:/dev/shm/ols# systemctl status lshttpd.service ●...
  5. E

    OLS not starting

    root@web-vm:~# /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl stop [ERROR] litespeed is not running. root@web-vm:~# /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start [OK] litespeed: pid=2226. [OK] litespeed: pid=2266. root@web-vm:~# ps axu | grep -i http root 2274 0.0 0.1 8156 736 pts/0 S+ 10:02 0:00 grep...
  6. E

    OLS not starting

    Hi guys, I had applied recommended settings for OLS web server. N that it stopped to start. Here's the status error. Preciate that who can help asap coz the server is down. ● lshttpd.service - OpenLiteSpeed HTTP Server Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/lshttpd.service; enabled; vendor...
  7. E

    OLS optimized webadmin settings & how to increase speed of import

    I just applied the settings on OLS how to install guide and looking for something better. My website has 5gb database, 3gb files. So i'll preciate for any kinda help. Using G1-small instance of GCP. (1vCPU with 1.7GB rams + 20gb SSD) this is my php.ini setup for php7.4; (im running plenty...
  8. E

    Database partitioning

    Hi guys, I've been workin on OLS for few weeks, thx to the free tier of gcp and creators of OLS, my dream come true. Anyway i moved my website to gcp. My database is about 5gbs. I'm using mariadb and looking for a "how-to guide" to apply it to split my database tables for better performance...
  9. E

    server usage stats & histogram spec

    I believe that it'd be better if we could check them in webadmin panel.
  10. E

    Adminer php extension problem

    phpmyadmin not works correctly?