Okay I did some tests. Bubblewrap by default it doesn't work on 1.6.19 or 1.7.8. Last version that it works for me is 1.6.16.
Basicly what I found out, something has to be wrong with default bwrap command, because home folders are not mounted. Could someone report this as a bug?
Hey @Cold-Egg I am not sure if I set it up on 1.6.15 (which came with release note that bubblewrap as added) or 1.6.16, and now when I upgraded to 1.6.19 this is gone and also my old settings didn't work anymore.
Hey guys.
Any idea what happened with bubblewrap in OLS ?
There are no more bubblewrap container settings, also all pages which previously worked fine died after upgrading?
With RC1 release coming in few days, is it possible we get lsphp8 - to test out a little bit how many things are broken before stable version in November comes out.
I have exactly same issue, any workarounds besides making new server?
OpenLiteSpeed 1.6.14
Actualy I tried switching all php versions I have installed 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4, problem remains everywhere...