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  1. F.Constant

    Manually Configure Server alt-svc Header?

    Hi, I'm new to OLS and am keen on trying out its QUIC and HTTP3 support. I'm wondering though, if I can advertise only a subset of the available versions on my server. The HTTP3 check tool shows that I'm compliant on Q43, Q46, Q50, as well as draft versions 23 and 24 of HTTP3. My test client...
  2. F.Constant

    Manually Configure Server alt-svc Header?

    Hi, I'm new to OLS and am keen on trying out its QUIC and HTTP3 support. I'm wondering though, if I can advertise only a subset of the available versions on my server. The HTTP3 check tool shows that I'm compliant on Q43, Q46, Q50, as well as draft versions 23 and 24 of HTTP3. My test client...