Recent content by 18TommyBoy

  1. 18TommyBoy

    OLS Bash Installer - Adding PHP 8.3?

    Redis finally there in Debian 12:
  2. 18TommyBoy

    Debian 12 bookworm is out

    Redis is finally there in Bookworm... Yeeeaaah
  3. 18TommyBoy

    ⚡Free web hosting control panels

    You forgot the free aaPanel what is more faster than CyberPanel with very much bugs and supporting only old version of OS...
  4. 18TommyBoy

    OLS as loadbalancer

    Hello, I setup this: I have a questions: 1.) Whats with the caches, its auto-copy 1st to 2nd server? Or to loadbalancer auto-copy? 2.) The webserver files, what is the best software to synchronize?
  5. 18TommyBoy

    Can I create OLS proxy for OLS?

    I have 6 pieces of VPS, on all have great OpenLiteSpeed. But all sites always working on WP XML updates (heavy load). I search for Varnish solution on 7th VPS to front of all, then find a tip to use OLS what is faster. Okay, yet find a manual with Apache...
  6. 18TommyBoy

    What is procSoftLimit and HardLimit?

    Nice, slowly 1 year and no answer... Nobody knows?
  7. 18TommyBoy

    Power limiting

    Good day, is there any chance to limit the CPU usage? I have 4 core VPS and when updating XML feeds, the load average from 0.2 is 1.5-2.2. Only 3 sites have, but other 2 will slow too. My config: docRoot $VH_ROOT vhDomain $VH_NAME adminEmails...
  8. 18TommyBoy

    OLS on ARM cpu

    Hi all! Oracle ARM cpu, when install Apache working, when install Nginx working, but I want OLS and never can run: I follow these steps: Ubuntu or Centos try, but never can run. On picture is Ubuntu. Try install in aaPanel, nothing. What is...
  9. 18TommyBoy

    CPU core limitation

    Like I say, no cgroup option in aaPanel.
  10. 18TommyBoy

    CPU core limitation

    So this functions is for that where I am yet... :D We need any limit function of CPU power :unsure: Will be very useful.
  11. 18TommyBoy

    CPU core limitation

    Good day, is there any chance to limit the cpu core usage to 2 core? 1 user use the all 4 core, when I upgraded the VPS to 12 core, all eated... No cgroups on aaPanel. Can limit the core or MHz for 1 website??
  12. 18TommyBoy

    What is procSoftLimit and HardLimit?

    I try Google search but still nothing... No detail information of these. memSoftLimit 1460M memHardLimit 1470M procSoftLimit 400 procHardLimit 450 400 is 4 core full load...
  13. 18TommyBoy

    [HELP] the website doesn't open, instead, it downloads the index.php file

    Hello, problem is not at your server, WP Rocket doesn´t like LS or OLS servers. Try delete the cache plugins rows delete from .htaccess and restart it. Will be work good.
  14. 18TommyBoy

    .htaccess and the All in one security plugin for WP

    Good day, Please help me understand one thing. I read "OpenLiteSpeed currently only supports mod_rewrite rules from Apache, so before making it read the .htaccess files, please convert them to Apache’s mod_rewrite format." I have .htaccess like this, what will be skipped there?: <IfModule...