Recent content by jamie07051975

  1. J

    Context, expires and 404s

    We have four virtual hosts all running the same platform while one of them is our staging platform - we wanted to try this out on the staging platform first before rolling out to the others. The issue was the $DOC_ROOT just didn't work - the 404 errors returned were because the the path was...
  2. J

    Context, expires and 404s

    After spending the best part of two days on this I swapped out $DOC_ROOT for the actual path, IE /home/[domain-name]/public_html and it now works along with $0.
  3. J

    Context, expires and 404s

    I'm trying to set expires headers for JS and CSS files and I'm following the guide here: This is how I have set up the context: URI: exp:^.*\.(css|js)$ (I want to find any files with a .css or .js extension, some of the files may have a...