Recent content by khongngu

  1. K

    How to open port on openlitespee

    Hi! Currently I want to open port 8890 on my server (openlitespees, centos7,cyberpanel) But when I use the command # firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8890/tcp # firewall-cmd --reload Then I checked with the following command(, it was not successful # telnet 8890...
  2. K

    Check ssl - Assessment failed: Unable to connect to the server

    Dear @Pong I use cyperpanel and it does this automatically
  3. K

    SSL error - Your connection is not secure

    [khongngu@litespeed ~]$ journalctl -f | grep gunicorn There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new cert :: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains how to fix this problem? [khongngu@litespeed ~]$ journalctl -f | grep gunicorn Nov 21 18:45:14...
  4. K

    SSL error - Your connection is not secure

    I use cyperpanel and it automatically generates.