Recent content by rahulsoni

  1. rahulsoni

    Missing LSPHP 8.3.x modules

    @Cold-Egg yup, thanks..packages are available.
  2. rahulsoni

    Missing LSPHP 8.3.x modules

    hi @Cold-Egg any updates?
  3. rahulsoni

    Missing LSPHP 8.3.x modules

    Hi @Cold-Egg, thank you for your prompt response. Could you please upload lsphp81-imagick and lsphp81-redis for aarch64 Ubuntu 24.04? Additionally, I noticed that lsphp83-imagick is missing while lsphp83-redis is available. thanks
  4. rahulsoni

    Missing LSPHP 8.3.x modules

    @Cold-Egg - I updated the Docker image from Ubuntu 22.04 to Ubuntu 24.04 on arm aarch64 and noticed that the lsphp81-imagick and lsphp81-redis packages are absent. Additionally, imagick and redis are also missing for lsphp81, 82, and 83. please refer to the screenshot for more details. Can you...
  5. rahulsoni

    Missing LSPHP 8.3.x modules

    thanks @Cold-Egg . i tried with php8.3 but for some reason, I started seeing so many email failures. my email provider is godaddy. due to that I reverted back to 81 and now everything is running smooth again. may be other packages or plugins have issue. don't know and haven't debugged. for now...
  6. rahulsoni

    Does OLS support brotli compression of dynamic content?

    @David are there any plans for brotli compression for dynamic content?
  7. rahulsoni

    Missing LSPHP 8.3.x modules

    @Cold-Egg any updates?
  8. rahulsoni

    Missing LSPHP 8.3.x modules

    @Cold-Egg - ubuntu 22.04 and php83 for arm 64 processors. redis and memcached are missing.
  9. rahulsoni

    Missing LSPHP 8.3.x modules

    @Cold-Egg can you push Redis and memcached packages for arm-based processors on ubuntu os?