Recent content by while1

  1. W

    JavaScript additional data. BUG?

    Hi friends, Sometimes there is an additional data on the end of static JavaScript files. The additional data is not seen in the real file and refresh web page load the correct content. Has anyone encountered such a phenomenon? Like in the pictures attached? OpenLiteSpeed 1.4.26 Thanks
  2. W

    cant run php file on PHP_SuEXEC VHost Templates

    [solved] - Thank you cyberpersons for the direction of the solution. VHost Template PHP_SuEXEC > External App > Memory Soft Limit is 100M by the default in this template and the process is 149MB therefore return 503. And my new question is why the empty PHP process needs 149M for echo 'hello...
  3. W

    cant run php file on PHP_SuEXEC VHost Templates

    I did not touch anything. Everything is set Server Configuration > External App LiteSpeed SAPI App lsphp uds://tmp/lshttpd/lsphp.sock VHost Template PHP_SuEXEC > External App LiteSpeed SAPI App $VH_NAME_lsphp uds://tmp/lshttpd/$VH_NAME_lsphp.sock
  4. W

    cant run php file on PHP_SuEXEC VHost Templates

    Hello friends I started working with templates and something is not really clear to me. I have successfully set up listeners and vhost to PHP_SuEXEC Built-in Template And run HTML files without problem But when I try to run PHP files I get error 503 (Service Unavailable). OpenLiteSpeed 1.4.27...
  5. W

    cant solve the permmisions problem

    This php code return "nobody nobody" on my system
  6. W

    cant solve the permmisions problem

    I have same problem in my lab Document Root = $VH_ROOT/ Virtual Host Root = /usr/local/lsws/public_html/site1 ExtApp Set UID Mode = DocRoot UID $ getfacl /usr/local/lsws/public_html/site1 # file: usr/local/lsws/public_html/site1 # owner: user # group: nobody # flags: -s- user::rwx group::r-x...
  7. W

    mysqli_real_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch.

    hi all centos7 + php56 by ols1clk : mysqli_real_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50552 Library:100126 in how to fix it?