Current version for RHEL 9 (etc) systems

I just noticed that my Rocky 9 servers have been updated to LiteSpeed/1.8.2 Open (BUILD built: Sat Oct 26 04:05:54 UTC 2024).

I am not sure when it happened, but have not noticed any changes.
Yes it is good. An announcement somewhere here when the RPMs are updated would be even nicer.

On the subject of RPMs, litespeed-update repo may need an update, lsphp74-mysqlnd.x86_64 is at version 7.4.32-2.el9 but 7.4.33-2.el9 has been released for around 1 year in the Remi repo I think.
But if it is an EOL package why is it a dependency of the v1.8.2-1.el9 openlitespeed rpm?

I would be much happier if the dependencies were for the generic packages such as php-litespeed provided by the remi repos.

I run PHP v8.2 or 8.3 on my sites, why should Litespeed insist I install 7.4?
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That is for the OpenLiteSpeed Web Admin, we have upgraded the PHP version for Debian, and it should be soon for the rpm system.