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  1. P

    lsws admin crash

    For bug report, lease log a ticket with us by providing tmp root ssh access to your server.
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    Bug in litespeed 3.0 wordpress plugin LoadCSS not defined

    For LSCWP related, please ask at since it has nothing to do with OLS.
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    It looks like LiteSpeed cache plugin for WordPress related instead of OLS related. If not, What command did you run to reproduce it on OLS( trying to install ModLSPHP by running the ./ script.) we are not clear about what steps you did.
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    Access control ALLOW/DENY not working?

    Can you tell me what's your goal? Do you want to enable some CDN service to avoid connection drop? or you want to visist some domain such as only by your ip, no one else? Or you want to whitelist your IP from recaptha security feature?
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    "pObj->m_pSession NULL" error log on WordPress Elementor

    You just need to kill all lsphp. like pkill lsphp
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    LSRecaptcha Rewrite Rules You may need to choose either through admin console control or rewrite rule control, but not both at the same time.
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    mod_headers.c is not working

    You should create a separate thread since you are a different question. There is no way for condition match for such option on OLS. You may need to find an alternative way to achieve your goal.
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    reg version check

    or your can refer to ,
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    reg version check

    It depends on how you install OLS, such as yum install OLS or through binary package, then you can continue to do so through yum update, or Check details here
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    RequestsHeader's set problem

    How did you set it on OLS? The apache like header directive won't work on OLS for sure. You will need to follow OLS KB to do so.
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    "pObj->m_pSession NULL" error log on WordPress Elementor

    You should check your server load and PHP progress to see if they jumped too high during the process. If so, could possibly some bug on elementor to trigger some inifinte loop etc.
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    curl 405 method not allowed

    try to add trailing "/" curl -i -X PURGE
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    server usage stats & histogram spec

    Do you mean real-time-stats function?
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    Database partitioning

    it is beyond our support scope. You should ask on database forum. It has nothing to do with OLS.
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    mod_headers.c is not working

    Correct. OLS only support rewrite rule in .htaccess and doesn't support all the rest apache directives at all. To set header, please try
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    Possible Bug in Graceful Restart in OpenLiteSpeed with DirectAdmin + IPv6

    Can you log a ticket with us with tmp root ssh login for us to check?
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    Unable to rewrite URL for subdomain

    maybe you log a ticket with us by sending email to, providing tmp root login and your OLS main login for us to check.
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    First load of website slow/fails

    Which url triggerred the error? You may need to access the URL directly from your browser to web server to see any issue. It could be many reason to fail the connection, not necessary on OpenLiteSpeed side. You will need to run more test to narrow the issue.
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    Unable to create pages in WorPress 5.4 with Gutenberg

    You can check the error log to see if it triggered mod_security rule or not, you can disable that particular rule to avoid error.
  20. P

    GCP complete guide exists?

    For OpenLiteSpeed, you can check KB at, you can get any OS and install openlitespeed on top of it, or use 1-click installation script, or just install cyberpanel with OLS, or lunch from google Cloud image.