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  1. Cold-Egg

    deploy app next.js

    Do you mean that you don't know how to config the virtual host or if there's any issue during the setup?
  2. Cold-Egg


    If you set `Yes` to Secure, then you can not leave the SSL tab as default(empty Key&cert). Please assign a key and cert to it. More
  3. Cold-Egg


    If it shows a pink/red icon, then it probably means you have config it wrongly. Please share the listener config including SSL part so we can help.
  4. Cold-Egg

    deploy app next.js

    I am not familiar with it, the following is just an idea. If next build generates a static file, you can just point the document root folder to it, so the web server can serve it. If you want to run a nodejs + next as a back-end service, please follow...
  5. Cold-Egg

    404 error when protecting phpmyadmin

    ok, please send it to with this forum link appended, we will help to you further from there.
  6. Cold-Egg

    Replacing Nginx with OpenLitespeed

    ok, maybe you can submit the issue to with the forum link appended, then we can try to check it further from there.
  7. Cold-Egg

    Replacing Nginx with OpenLitespeed

    ok then, please try to access web admin > https Listener > SSL > Security & Features and set "No" to Open HTTP3/QUIC (UDP) Port, then test again to see if you can still reproduce the issue or not.
  8. Cold-Egg

    Replacing Nginx with OpenLitespeed

    Hi Nikki, May I know if the same error and issue also happen on HTTP? Or does it only happens on HTTPS?
  9. Cold-Egg

    two websites, different domains, trying to setup ssl

    Looks good to me. Could you join litespeed community on Slack and message me @Eric from there, or submit the issue to with this forum link appended, so I can help you further from there?
  10. Cold-Egg

    404 error when protecting phpmyadmin

    Hi, Ok, so the context config looks fine. What if you remove the realm temporarily in order to make sure the phpmyadmin loads fine with PHP?
  11. Cold-Egg

    two websites, different domains, trying to setup ssl

    443 ssl listener allows only one cert/key is correct, the virtual host one will overwrite it. You said that you add a different .pem certificate and .pem private key for each individual virtual host, but the website hangs. It could be a configuration issue, please do a screenshot of this...
  12. Cold-Egg

    Replacing Nginx with OpenLitespeed

    Hi Nikki, Is there any error log? and any screenshot of the browser dev tool > Network > All, so we can have more information on where could be the issue?
  13. Cold-Egg

    two websites, different domains, trying to setup ssl

    Hi, Please check this guide for the second and more domain SSL set up.
  14. Cold-Egg

    404 error when protecting phpmyadmin

    The link you followed is correct. Could you go to the web admin > virtual host > phpmyadmin context and double-confirm all the settings are correct?
  15. Cold-Egg

    Connection idle time too long

    Only LSAPI_PGRP_MAX_IDLE I am not sure, the rest looks fine. If you can reproduce it, please submit the issue with this forum post link appended to for further check.
  16. Cold-Egg

    Connection idle time too long

    That log means idle, but it did not include the real reason. Could you also share the output of the `top` command while the issue happening? Usually, it is due to PHP hitting the Max Connections limit, you can also try to increase it a little bit higher.
  17. Cold-Egg


    Hi, It should not change the VH. Not sure what's the error you have, maybe you can give it a try and report the issue if it's still exist.