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  1. Banzine

    CSSJS deadlock

    hum thats more a question for lscache plugin support , sorry going to see there :D
  2. Banzine

    CSSJS deadlock

    Hey , that was that! i had to put -nolock on mountOptions in my nfs provisioner (or in the claim), i gained 1 sec loading time and css js génération took few seconds instead of minutes :) last thing if i can bother is that on Object cache : NotificationTrying to access array offset on value of...
  3. Banzine

    CSSJS deadlock

    Hi thanks ! it is nobody nogroup :) btw everything else works pretty fine, until a php script have to create/update some files :D
  4. Banzine

    CSSJS deadlock

    Hi, checked a lot of things, it seems that php can't create files under /var/www/vhosts/localhost/html/ I'm using a Vhost template with : DocRoot UID but everything seems to run under 'nobody' ideas?
  5. Banzine

    CSSJS deadlock

    hello! I got openlitespeed running on a kubernetes cluster but i still have 2 small issues while using it with lscache (on a wordpress install, tested with 0 plugins) IF i activate css or js minification i got a lots of alerts on the litespeed server side and the first load of the page is...