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  1. S

    Access Control and Allowed List...blocked myself

    EXCELLENT!!!. I'm back in. I removed the IP address on the allowed line and changed to ALL. I also removed the deny line completely in the admin_config.conf file. Rebooted the server and I'm back in.
  2. S

    Access Control and Allowed List...blocked myself

    IN the WebAdmin console I updated the Denied List to ALL and put my domain ip as the only IP in the Allowed List. Now I can't login to the OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin Console. How can I update the Allowed List to ALL and clear out the Denied List. What is the best practice for these settings?
  3. S

    Unable to logon to web admin

    I am following the documentation for OpenLiteSpeed WordPress One-Click and I can not connect to the web admin login screen. https://use_your_droplet_ip:7080 ...replacing with my site ip.