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    HTTP3 Priorities (RFC9218)

    Update. I found that lsquic does support them. Info is here Are they exposed somehow in OLS? How can I use them?
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    HTTP3 Priorities (RFC9218)

    Hello I installed OLS and using it with HTTP3/QUIC. It works well. Does OLS support HTTP3 Priorities ? If so, how can they be configured? Is any extra logging available to see their effects? I searched the docs but could not find any info relating to priorities. Any info would be great
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    How to enable PUT method?

    Unfortunately openlitespeed disagrees. Even without network. From localhost, trying to PUT returns 501 Not Implemented. Is there a special path after localhost/... for PUTs? $ curl -v -X PUT http://localhost/ --data-raw "Raw data" * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to...
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    How to enable PUT method?

    OLS v1.7.16 on Ubuntu. How can I enable http PUT so that I can upload files to the server. For example, so that this curl command works, "test.txt" is stored on document root. curl -X PUT -F "file=@/home/intb/test.txt" Currently it returns "Request Page Not...
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    private deployment for experiments

    There is no firewall but the problem ended up being the smallstep cert. Although chrome said the cert was valid, somehow it prevented h3 from being agreed on. I switched to using Let's Encrypt with wildcard certs. Then I edited /etc/hosts to match a subdomain that the wildcard cert supported. It...
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    private deployment for experiments

    Thanks for the suggestion. I got past the certs by using With this tool I was able to run my own CA and create a trusted cert that worked for my test domain (quicpoc.local). Now when I go to https://quicpoc.local it loads the openlitespeed landing page without any...
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    private deployment for experiments

    Hello, I'm trying to use h3/quic in a closed lab environment for experimentation purposes. I installed openlitespeed 1.7.16 on ubuntu 18.04. The ubuntu server has no DNS name, it's ip address only. There is one client on the lab network, a macbook with chrome. There's no firewall between the...