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    GCP Deployment VM Instance Serial Console Login details

    Hi, I have an issue with my VM instance and i need to connect to serial console but it's asking me for a password. Was a default password set up when I deployed it and what is that?. I've even tried adding an automation script: #!/bin/bash useradd arithmatics echo arithmatics:pass911 |...
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    GCP OLS Wordpress Reset Initial Setup Script

    Hi, firstly to preface I am completely new to this and have only ever used GCP to deploy ols wordpress instances and am self-taught. I have made a Machine Image backup in GCP and have created a new instance but now am wondering if its possible to reset the initial setup script for me to change...
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    openlitespeed-wordpress on Google Cloud depreciated?

    Just wanted to confirm as i logged into google cloud to spin up a new instance and i'm met with this message: Is it true? the easy click deployment is no longer supported on GCP?