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  1. michacassola

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  2. michacassola

    Push LSAPI 8.1 Upstream

    Please push the LSAPI 8.1 upstream to php-src, or implement a public repo for it. I dislike having to download finished source packages and prefer to be able to inspect a git repo (preferrably GitHub). Thanks for considering!
  3. michacassola

    Unable to reset OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin Console password

    Thanks @Cold-Egg ! Unfortunately changing around permissions didn't help. So I thought it must be that the repo install uses HTTPS. Copied over the admin/conf folder and rerun Still no luck, I get the following error: Warning: fopen(/uny/pkg/openlitespeed/1.8.1/admin/conf/htpasswd)...
  4. michacassola

    Unable to reset OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin Console password

    I need help troubleshooting please @Cold-Egg . I have the same problem as stated here: I get the login.php screen with Invalid credentials already printed to the login screen. When I enter the admin login...