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  1. mister_x

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock

    You could also try setting the CPU Affinity to 1. Might improve the overall handling of the processes.
  2. mister_x

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock

    In my advice, a constant 20%-50% is a lot. Note that Litespeed is faster than Apache because it also uses a different multithreaded task handling. I believe this makes it more sensitive to available server resources.
  3. mister_x

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock

    Considering you are using WordPress, we can rule out bad code. Despite 4 cores and 8 GB RAM might look good, 500k/m visitors is still a significant load because WordPress is dynamically generating the pages. Are you leveraging the load using cache plugins and CDN? In my advice, I would go for a...
  4. mister_x

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock

    In my experience, the "possible dead lock" is caused by low server resources. It might not be your case but please share some hardware info. Also, when does it happen? How many websites are you hosting on the machine?
  5. mister_x

    backup and restore server

    Nice touch about the credentials, the way I did it in my scripts is not recommended, security-wise. I noticed a couple of things: 1. In your first script for backing up the database, you've set the backup folder as: BACKUP_DIR="/home/backup" Currently, the script immediately transfers the...
  6. mister_x

    DoS Defense: IPs Not Unbanned After Specified Ban Time

    Thanks for your reply. The ban happens at the web service level, I still can access SSH and Admin Panel on 7080 from the same IP which gets 403 forbidden if I try to access the website at 80/443 ports. I can reproduce the issue all the time. I strongly believe it is bug. I'll send the e-mail...
  7. mister_x

    DoS Defense: IPs Not Unbanned After Specified Ban Time

    Hi again @Cold-Egg I simulated it again, the blocking works fine but the unblock does not happen as it should after the time has elapsed. For triggering the block I run from my local machine: ab -n 2000 -c 200 -k -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" Then no blocked...
  8. mister_x

    DoS Defense: IPs Not Unbanned After Specified Ban Time

    Thanks for your reply. I will check this.
  9. mister_x

    DoS Defense: IPs Not Unbanned After Specified Ban Time

    @Cold-Egg Hello, could you please give any advice on this? Thanks in advance.
  10. mister_x

    Error establishing a database connection

    Can you please share your system's resources? Doing apt update && apt upgrade is not a problem-fixing command. It is for updating and it is a norm to run this command frequently for updating and security purposes.
  11. mister_x

    backup and restore server

    I use two bash scripts and run them on a cron job daily: For the DB backup creation: #!/bin/bash # MySQL credentials DB_USER="usr" DB_PASSWORD="pass" # Databases to backup DB_NAME_1="db1" DB_NAME_2="db2" # Date format YYYYMMDD DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) # Backup directory...
  12. mister_x

    DoS Defense: IPs Not Unbanned After Specified Ban Time

    Hello OpenLiteSpeed Community, I am encountering an issue with the DOS Defense feature in OpenLiteSpeed where IPs do not get unbanned after the specified ban time has elapsed. I have reproduced this problem on two different operating systems: CentOS 7.9 Debian 11 OLS Version: 1.7.19 Issue...