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  1. C

    Error installing Imagick and Memcached for Openlitespeed on Almalinux 9.4

    Hi is there any update on this? I need to build a new server for a WordPress site and these two modules are really important. Thanks
  2. C

    Error installing Imagick and Memcached for Openlitespeed on Almalinux 9.4

    Hello, On a fresh Almalinux 9.4 I installed Openlitespeed, but when I try to install lsphp 8.2 all other packages install fine except for imagick and memcached. This is the command I used: dnf install -y lsphp82 lsphp82-common lsphp82-bcmath lsphp82-dba lsphp82-gd lsphp82-intl lsphp82-json...