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  1. L

    Openlitespeed monitoring with munin-node

    Sorry, I didn't aware that ... however, if you're really interested, I'll give you more info. you can get same result by #cat /tmp/lshttpd/.rtreport*
  2. L

    Openlitespeed monitoring with munin-node

    you can download the bash script /usr/local/lsws/add-ons/rrdgraph/ in enterprise litespeed, and try to install it for openlitespeed. it's written in php, should work with openlitespeed, and you can modify the php source code if needed.
  3. L

    'Process Limit' probably is too low

    in web admin: Server Configuration -> External App -> lsphp Process Soft Limit Process Hard Limit
  4. L

    CPU core and concurrent user limits

    no, there is no limit. you can configure them freely yourself.
  5. L

    PHP Commands

    please try command line interface php instead of lsphp:
  6. L

    Caching proxy

    please follow to see if you can set up ready without any issue.
  7. L

    Gzip not working last version OLS 1.4.27

    can you try a phpinfo page, to see if it's compressed ? also another simple hello.php page, just print some characters, to ensure its length > 300 bytes, to see if it's compressed.
  8. L

    Gzip not working last version OLS 1.4.27

    css is gzipped -- but the homepage not so gzip itself is working fine
  9. L

    WAC login just refrash

    please reset webadmin console's user/pass by #/usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/
  10. L

    cant solve the permmisions problem

    I can reproduce the issue. ols 1.4.7, lsphp 7.1.9. in php script, I used echo system("whoami"); for the test.
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    php.ini - openlitespeed [7.1.9]

    just now got chance to install fresh OLS 1.4.27, lsphp 7.1.9 on centOS 7 box, edit /usr/local/lsws/lsphp71/etc/php.ini, change "upload_max_filesize = 2M" to "upload_max_filesize = 100M", phpinfo.php page reflect the change without any problem. so maybe there is some special stuff in the env.
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    cant solve the permmisions problem

    what's your OLS version ?
  13. L

    php.ini - openlitespeed [7.1.9]

    can you try full stop / start openlitespeed ? instead of graceful restart
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    php.ini - openlitespeed [7.1.9]

    any output ? #grep upload_max_filesize /usr/local/lsws/lsphp71/etc/php.d/*.ini
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    php.ini - openlitespeed [7.1.9]

    can you give the URL to phpinfo.php ?
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    Subdomain Setup on OLS

    There is no special for subdomain , just treat it as a normal domain and set it up. create a new vhost and map the sub domain to this vhost in listener.
  17. L

    Regex for excluding files from access log

    following yum install openlitespeed I tested ols 1.3.8 it's half working by my test 1. change "Debug Level" from NONE to MEDIUM web admin -> Server -> Log -> Debug Level: NONE to MEDIUM 2. in error.log, can see log entry like...
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    Regex for excluding files from access log

    in web admin console, Virtual Hosts-> select your virtual host ->Rewrite->Enable Rewrite:Yes then put RewriteRule .* - [E=dontlog:1] in "Rewrite Rules" tested working in enterprise lsws, ols should be same steps.
  19. L

    Changing Over

    >Firstly with ssl is it preferable to set it in the listeners or vhost. Each site has its own dedicated ip and its own listener. I think no difference >Secondly with the file memory cache option. keep the default settings. no need tune them at all if no issue encountered. linux kernel will...