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  1. B

    ALL Parameter i must delete it ?

    i fixed, thank you for help.
  2. B

    ALL Parameter i must delete it ?

    If I delete this "ALL" parameter, what kind of problem ? Is access to the server completely blocked? I'm afraid I wanted to consult you before doing this, I just want cloudflare ip numbers to be linked to my site... Please someone help for this... My Access ALL ,
  3. B

    .htaccess redicret ip adress to domain ? (HOW)

    Yes my question is clear my friends , how i can redicret my server ip to my domain ? Example: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] This code its showing wrong i knoq it but how i can do it brothers ? just i want 301 redicret...
  4. B

    Openlitespeed htaccess problem (!)

    thanks, i was tried this but wasnt work ! because i must wait 1 hour for LScache finish :D when cache finish i saw its working thanks ;)
  5. B

    Openlitespeed htaccess problem (!)

    im using openlitespeed, I want to block access to directories but it never works htaccess why ? for example <-- i uploaded this directory inside .htaccess and i want deny from all But not working.. this is for me important