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  1. shaiful

    How to enable HTTPS for port access

    Hi @Cold-Egg > When you change context from `/` to `/api/`, does default demo script works? That is working indeed I think it might be due to my mock API script running on JSON-Server and has routing custom configurations in it. Let me see if I can deploy it in a subdomain.
  2. shaiful

    How to enable HTTPS for port access

    Talking about the OLS-NodeJS droplet, I went ahead and quickly spin up a new droplet using the DO marketplace prebuilt OLS-NodeJS droplet and followed the Getting Started guide. It works immediately with HTTPS. Then I went into the OLS admin panel and tweaked the AppServer Context startup file...
  3. shaiful

    How to enable HTTPS for port access

    Hi @Cold-Egg Yes I have followed the setup above using my existing OpenLiteSpeed-WordPress Digital Ocean droplet (prebuilt from the marketplace) and it's not working. I have tried it on both root domain and subdomain without any luck. Is it because this is a OLS-Wordpress droplet as opposed to...
  4. shaiful

    How to enable HTTPS for port access

    Hi there, My server default vhost has been configured properly for https traffic so I can access web pages using However when I serve a NodeJS app running at port 3000, I can only access the app via http for example How can I make it available...