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  1. M

    Sudden 404 errors and you have to restart the lsws service to fix it

    Ok i'm going to do it now, thanks. I just found in the log more less at the time of the first "crash" this GET call 2a03:2880:31ff:70::face:b00c - - [26/Aug/2020:23:21:13 +0200] "GET /categoria-prodotto/profuma-bucato/data:text/javascript;base64,%20dmFyIF9zbWJhbm5lcnM9dHJ1ZTs= HTTP/1.1" 404...
  2. M

    Sudden 404 errors and you have to restart the lsws service to fix it

    Morning, Ok i will try to increase the level for the rewrite logs and check if there is something. In the meanwhile..this night is happened again! and i had the time to do some more tests as the website during the night is not "in service", and i seen that the 404 error is returned also trying...
  3. M

    Sudden 404 errors and you have to restart the lsws service to fix it

    Hi Cold-Egg, Basically the .htaccess is composed with the standard Wordpress htaccess rules for mod_rewrite + some LScache settings and there are no plugins that frequently change it. Yesterday also tried to update from 1.6.13 to 1.6.15, but i would like to understand the real cause. :unsure...
  4. M

    Sudden 404 errors and you have to restart the lsws service to fix it

    Hi, I'm experimenting a strange issue with an OpenLiteSpeed (1.6.13) installation on a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. On this machine i just have one single vhost (a Wordpress installation) and everything works normally except that sometimes, randomly OLS starts to returns 404 for all the requests and the...