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  1. W

    .htaccess not enabled, Error 404 on pages, and Failure to load CSS & JS scripts

    I am not sure about what the question : Migrate to OpenLiteSpeed WordPress Image server : mean but i did use the platform on Litespeed Plugin. I tried adding expire headers with the static context exp:^.*(css|gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|js|png|webp|woff|woff2|fon|fot|ttf)$. 1. I always do a...
  2. W

    .htaccess not enabled, Error 404 on pages, and Failure to load CSS & JS scripts

    Hello there Everyone: I am a complete newbie to openlitespeed server and i am having lots of issues with my WordPress website 1. As seen above, lots of scripts are not loading (especially minified js and css), i have since disabled and deleted the Litespeed plugin to see whether it will fix...