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  1. Centos

    Letsencrypt certificate is renewed but LSWS doesn't restart

    Ok. I have tried what you suggested. According to the log LSWS restarts fine when --force-renew is used. certbot renew --dry-run --force-renew --deploy-hook "systemctl restart lsws" Adding --dry-run skips the restart hook with this message. "Dry run: skipping deploy hook command: systemctl...
  2. Centos

    Letsencrypt certificate is renewed but LSWS doesn't restart

    It happened on another server few hours ago. Certificate was renewed but it was still serving old certificate so browser threw error. I manually restarted lsws and it fixed the issue. Here is what I have in "/var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log". It says 2021-03-07...
  3. Centos

    Letsencrypt certificate is renewed but LSWS doesn't restart

    Hello, I am running the WordPress cloud instance on Everything works fine except when the SSL cert is renewed LSWS doesn't restart so browser throws an error saying "Your connection is not private". So then I manually restart LSWS and website loads fine. /etc/cron.d/certbot has...