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  1. S

    Rewrite Rules (Disabled by CyberPanel)

    I didn't resolve this... Rewrite Rules are managed by Cyberpanel and it's why they're disabled it in OLS. Context doesn't work for unknown reason even for CP developers (I asked them twice without reasonable explanation). The only lesson I got is CP is very raw and not ready for production.
  2. S

    Rewrite Rules (Disabled by CyberPanel)

    Thanks to all, it seems to be a Cyberpanel bug or feature... don't know which emoji to put smiling or disgruntled here :)
  3. S

    Rewrite Rules (Disabled by CyberPanel)

    As said here: Access Control with OpenLiteSpeed • OpenLiteSpeed I did: exp:error_log|wp-config-sample.php|readme.html|readme.txt|license.txt|install.php|wp-config.php|php.ini|php5.ini|bb-config.php $DOC_ROOT/$0
  4. S

    Allow access to file only from the server itself

    Also I set: RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^127\.0\.0\.1 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} wp-trackback.php|xmlrpc.php|wp-cron.php [NC] RewriteRule .* - [F,L] Result: /xmlrpc.php - returns 403 as expected; /wp-trackback.php - returns 403 as expected; /wp-cron.php - shows white page like it always does...
  5. S

    Allow access to file only from the server itself

    I'm trying to allow only the server itself to run wp-cron.php and deny this file for the rest of the world, so what I did: RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^123\.123\.123\.123 RewriteRule wp-cron.php$ - [F,L] But it doesn't work, any suggestions please?
  6. S

    Rewrite Rules (Disabled by CyberPanel)

    Ok, and does the context also disabled? 'coz I set it as in documentation but it doesn't work.
  7. S

    Rewrite Rules (Disabled by CyberPanel)

    Hi, I'm trying to configure my VHost Template via OLS web panel but met this: Rewrite Rules (Disabled by CyberPanel). Why and how it's disabled and how to enable it? Grateful for the advice or some direction...