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  1. R

    Eternal page reloading when Guest Mode is enabled

    Greetings. I have a site on WordPress. Without LiteSpeed Cache, the mobile version of the site scores 20-30 on Google PageSpeed. LiteSpeed Cache only works when Guest Mode is enabled. In this mode, the mobile version of the site scores 90-95 points. Unfortunately, when you turn on guest mode on...
  2. R

    Replacing WebP with Jpg in unsupported WebP browsers, how to implement? (WordPress)

    Hello, how do you replace webp images with jpg in browsers that don't support WebP? I have an iPhone XR and I have webp images on the site showing, my friend has an iPhone 5s and he has webp images on the site not showing, I googled, the iPhone 5s in Safari does not support WebP. Question: is...
  3. R

    access plus 1 year - does not work

    Please tell me what to do and where to click, I'm a noob :)
  4. R

    access plus 1 year - does not work

    Hi, gtmetrix tells me to insert this code to speed up the site, but the code doesn't work, help please <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On # Images ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1...
  5. R

    Browser Cache Settings doesn't work

    There is something else enabled in the admin panel
  6. R

    Browser Cache Settings doesn't work

    I mean wordpress plugin
  7. R

    Browser Cache Settings doesn't work

    Hi, I go to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=litespeed-cache And I see "NOTICE: OpenLiteSpeed users please check this: Setting Up Custom Headers" I did everything according to the instructions But nothing works. the inscription is still there...