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    Modsecurity and OWASP issue

    Hey all, I tried getting Modsec and OWASP going today using this tutorial The block on phpinfo.php works, just the rules don't. I have renamed the crs-setup.conf and the before and after rule files and used the example of the...
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    Hello, I am trying to get SSL to work with WordPress on Openlitespeed. So far, HTTP works fine, DNS verified and SSL generated on also. The HTTP domain part still works fine if I disable HTTPS re-writes. However, when I go to https, it will give me a 520 error...
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    Google Cloud Compute VM - Ubuntu 20.04 - Openlitespeed

    Hey all, Trying to figure out where I am going wrong, got fresh VM to compute on Google cloud trying to install Openlitespeed on Ubuntu 20.04, I get as far as going to the https://ip-server/login.php, and it just times out. I have been attempting adding ports, disabling UFW, allow the same...