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  1. S

    FastCGI - X-Sendfile and X-Sendfile2

    I am trying to change the web server I use to OLS. My FastCGI app uses X-Sendfile and X-Sendfile2 headers to respond to a request with local file or part of local file on the OLS host. My web server host is on a DMZ network, while my FastCGI app is on the internal network. The files are not...
  2. S

    FastCGI - missing FCGI_STDIN

    I have a self-created FastCGI app accessed from another web server (not Apache) for decades. I am now trying to make it work with OpenLiteSpeed. When my FastCGI app gets a request, I get FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST and FCGI_PARAMS. Consulting the "original" specification in...