
  1. R

    file not found error on file upload on openlightspeed server on VPS (only)

    I have Javascript code for uploading a file, see codesandbox. The code works on localhost and on a codesandbox-server but not on a VPS at Hostinger, with OpenLightSpeed and Nodejs preinstalled. I CAN upload file to Hostinger VPS uploads folder if I use SSH to connect to the VPS and then run...
  2. CanKorkmaz

    Node.js App | Es Modules not working (ESM & .mjs)

    Hello. I've been using openlitespeed for a long time. I love it and I am a big supporter. I used php and node applications in my projects that I published on Openlitespeed. I would like to share with you a mistake I discovered. As you can see, instead of the normal .js extension, there is a...