wordpress multisite

  1. Aaditya-Goenka

    Wordpress Multisite issue

    Unable to set up multisite wp-admin from the wp-login for subsites is not working unable to access the dashboard or anything for the subsites. .htacess file -> GNU nano 7.2 .htaccess *...
  2. Aaditya-Goenka

    Wordpress multisite setup Error

    We have been having issues in multisite setup on cloud Docker ols/ wordpress installation: 1) Wp config files that I tried # BEGIN WordPress Multisite # Using subfolder network type: https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/htaccess/#multisite RewriteEngine On RewriteRule .* -...
  3. RookieDNSer

    Wildcard Subdomains on Third Level Domains

    Setup: Ubuntu, Cyberpanel, OLS Webadmin I have been trying to figure this out for a while, with AI no less, and still can't find a solution. I have a WordPress multisite network with multiple second and third-level domains hosted with CyberPanel/OpenLiteSpeed. I have wildcard subdomains...
  4. alexbritez92

    Problems with SSL in Wordpress Multisite

    Hi, I have migrated to GCP + OpenLiteSpeed + Wordpress Multisite. The multisite is configured with several domains, all are accessible and the main domain works perfectly with SSL, but, I cannot activate SSL for the other domains. I have followed some guides but can't find a solution. I have...
  5. A

    openlitespeed ssl with multiple Domain

    Hi Everyone! Our Client Welding tools site https://migweldertech.com Want Cloudflare Full SSL , Currently We Using Openlitespeed with cloudflare Flexiable ssl But I Changed to Full SSL on Cloudflare , Our Site Showing "Server not connect" error So , How to Connect Multiple site on...
  6. colbyalbo

    WordPress Multisite Sub Directory CSS/JS assets 404 not found for subsites

    Hello, Trying to get a WordPress Multsite installation with Sub-directories setup. Using wordpress 5.4.1, ubuntu 20.04, OLS 1.6.13, Digital Ocean droplet The main site loads everything correctly, but the subsites do not load the CSS or the JS assets. note: the online reference here...
  7. C

    Can't configure WordPress Multisite it gives 404 Error

    I' m new to OLS and using OLS with GCP. I want to use WordPress multisite with subdomain I configure wp-config file it works fine but when I tried to edit htaccess file through lite speed cache plugin option and saved it and restart OLS gives 404 error