Failed to start lsws.service: Unit lsws.service not found.

I remove php 8.3 then install php 8.1.
So when I start lsws I get this message:
Failed to start lsws.service: Unit lsws.service not found.
I'm missing a php extension here?

Thank you.
The above dialoque is out of engineering understanding:
neither the configuration and brief history of the installation is given by the user, and the reply is not satifactory for anyone.

My OS Ubuntu 24.04.1 / CPU 8 cores, oven like systemboard for overclocking, DDR 2400Mhz / no active firewall
My systemctl.conf file has restriction on the use of the ports 2000-65535, among other changes from stndard Ubuntu.
I tried to build and to install lsws from your given sources.

-- 1 attempt --
tar -zxf openlitespeed-*.tgz
cd openlitespeed-1.7.19
sudo ./

in 6 minutes I see multiple mistakes during the execution of the script.
I suggested that it is because I use ubuntu, but the ideal OS is debian 12 for lsws.
A suggestion is not a fact.

sudo nano ols.conf:
OPENLSWS_ADMIN=MYNAME (+full address, +phone number, +card data for the housewives)
# email id is hiden from the housewives of mi6;
USE_LSPHP8=yes # substituted from original value USE_LSPHP7=yes
#You can set password here (before installation)
# pass 1234 is almoast the best choice for develpment until the user is familiar on 80% with the server
# instead of 12 symbols which UK housesewives, which manage the UK and US banks, demand to enter
# from UK and US users for the payment proccessing services (paypal, stripe and similar crowdy bullshits).

installation: sudo ./ # 20 seconds work

Than I was checking , what your scripts have installed to my system:-
/usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -v or
systemctl enable lsws && systemctl start lsws
The OS made complaints on units. I refreshed units.
Response of OS:
Job for lsws.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status lsws.service" and "journalctl -xeu lsws.service" for details.

The promissed detailes are absent in the OS response:
time: server systemd[1]: Starting lsws.service - LSB: lshttpd...
time: server systemd[1]: lsws.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
time: server systemd[1]: lsws.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
time: server systemd[1]: Failed to start lsws.service - LSB: lshttpd.

-- 2 attempt --
I tried to install v. 1.8.2 according your recent instructions
( it is "automatically", 2 times bigger files than building from the source)
Same result (response) of OS:: "Failed to start lsws.service: Unit lsws.service not found", namely

I am checking , what you have installed to my system:
/usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -v or
without checking the version, I tried to define my password "123456" -
sudo /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/
Result: OS does not recognize directory /usr/local/lsws/

Please specify at the front page: -
1) the technical description (technical demands), which is absent at your front page? It is the serious minus.
2) the dependencies for server & PHP building from the source,
/your given dependancies of your web site for PHP7.X are not correct for PHP8.2/
(3) the directories, where lsws is installed,
4) removal instructions, where the directory /usr/local is a part of,
5) main question - where is my mistake during the installation according to your instructions?
Note every your user needs the configuration for PHP8.X and not for PHP7.X

-- 3 attempt --
After the failure to install lsws_v. 1.8.2 from your source, nothing is changed in my expectation to enjoy a working modern web server of the LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. engineers.
In hours I guessed that not all engineering attemts are exausted in my strong desire to have a look at the modern server.
I entered commands update openlitespeed && systemctl status lsws.service.
For surprise, OS Ubuntu 24.4.1 showed, your lsws is running some how, namely

/usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -v
LiteSpeed/1.8.2 Open (BUILD built: Fri Dec 20 16:39:15 UTC 2024)
module versions:
lsquic 4.0.8
modgzip 1.1
cache 1.66
mod_security 1.4 (with libmodsecurity v3.0.13)

After https://localhost:7080 entry,
the server showed the screen with the invitation to enter name+password.
I entred name admin and favourite password: 123456. Sucess.

The Ubuntu logs do not disclose any usefull information.
Questions to the engineers:
6) why it was not possile to install LSWS from the v1.8.2 source, without the later upadate command?
7) What files were updated by the command update openlitespeed remains secret from the user.
8) where is a configuration for the caching SSD/nvme?

After my troubles, the brief look is not so optimistic at your server.
The unnamed files, the files without the exact explanations of the purpose of use,
which are inside the /usr/local/lsws directories, do no confirm a good style of your engineers.
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This is because the OpenLiteSpeed package relies on certain PHP packages. If you remove something like lsphp83 and its extensions, it could also remove the web server.
apt remove lsphp83*
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  lsphp83 lsphp83-common lsphp83-imap lsphp83-mysql lsphp83-opcache openlitespeed
That's why I asked, " if your openlitespeed gets removed?".