lshttpd.service: Refusing to accept PID outside (...)

After upgrading OLS to 1.5.9 on ubuntu 18.04 LTS, we can no longer start/restart the service:

lshttpd.service: Refusing to accept PID outside of service control group, acquired through unsafe symlink chain

Searching for this error on Google, I found the following on Red Hat site:

Please contact the third party application provider and ask them to update their service unit to be compatible with the latest versions of systemd.

Any workaround I can do for now?
Oops, sorry, I already "fixed" it. It seems OLS changed from init.d to systemd from 1.5.8 to 1.5.9.
So the /etc/init.d/lsws file was removed, but the service wasn't stopped. When I tried to restart LSWS using systemctl, it complained about the PIDFile. I tried to remove the PIDFile, but it didn't work too, so I saw there was a process still running, even if systemctl told me the service was down.
I killed the service with "kill -9 $(pgrep litespeed)" and tried to start again and it worked!

root@ip-45-33-5-59:/usr/local/lsws# systemctl restart lsws
Job for lshttpd.service failed because the service did not take the steps required by its unit configuration.
See "systemctl status lshttpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

Nov 26 16:42:30 ip-45-33-5-59 systemd[1]: lshttpd.service: Refusing to accept PID outside of service control group, acquired through unsafe symlink chain: /tmp/lshttpd/

root@ip-45-33-5-59:/usr/local/lsws# ps aux | grep ls
root     12234  0.0  0.8  55448  8916 pts/1    T    16:42   0:00 vim /lib/systemd/system/lshttpd.service
root     12611  0.0  0.8  65140  8712 ?        S    16:43   0:00 openlitespeed (lshttpd - main)
root     12616  0.0  0.3  31448  3236 ?        S    16:43   0:00 openlitespeed (lscgid)
root@ip-45-33-5-59:/usr/local/lsws# kill -9 $(pgrep litespeed)
root@ip-45-33-5-59:/usr/local/lsws# systemctl restart lsws
root@ip-45-33-5-59:/usr/local/lsws# systemctl status lsws
● lshttpd.service - OpenLiteSpeed HTTP Server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/lshttpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-11-26 16:45:46 -03; 3s ago