web server with pid=122392 received unexpected signal=11, a core file has been created

Hello, I have a dedicated server, and I am receiving these emails from litespeed
At [01/Jul/2024:15:56:02 +0000], web server with pid=122392 received unexpected signal=11, a core file has been created. A new instance of web server will be started automatically!
Please forward the following debug information to bug@litespeedtech.com.
Server: LiteSpeed/6.2.2 Enterprise Build 3
OS: Linux
Release: 4.18.0-372.32.1.lve.el8.x86_64
Version: #1 SMP Wed Nov 2 18:24:24 EDT 2022
Machine: x86_64
If the call stack information does not show up here, please compress and forward the core file located in /tmp/lshttpd/.