When using Webuzo + Softaculous = Open Lite Speed misbehaves

Whenever a customer installs new WordPress site by means of using the WordPress Manager from Softaculous, everything works fine. But then, if the customer deletes the same website and reinstall it, it gets a DATABASE ERROR.

I already tried tweaking mariadb but that's not it.

I've basically tried everything, even restarting open lite speed by means of systemctl restart lsws

Nothing works, the site shows a database error and nothing is wrong with it.

After much examination I've found out that by killing all the lsphp process the new site becomes available instantly.

By means of: pkill lsphp

The new site becomes available instantly.

I of course spoke with Webuzo/Softaculous support and they redirected me to Lite Speed forums.

Is there any way to instruct Open Lite Speed to not cache this aggresively so whenever I reinstall a site on the same domain the "database error" does not show?.

It seems to me that Open Lite Speed is trying to cache the old request so when I request to login to the new website, it is still trying to show the old one, which of course, being non-existant, throws a database error.