Origin server not reachable from QuickCloud CDN

Hello Team,

from time to time QuickCloud CDN is not able to reach my server even without any firewall on the server side. The only roslution so far is to restart LSWS (systemctl restart lsws). Any idea this could happen?

In the error log -> /usr/local/lsws/logs/error.log I do not see any errors, just notices and info messages like these:

2024-01-19 18:01:49.519280 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: <Files xmlrpc.php>
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519283 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: order deny,allow
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519285 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: deny from all
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519287 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: </Files>
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519289 [INFO] [43527] Rewrite directive: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> bypassed.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519293 [INFO] [43527] RewriteBase [/] parsed, set to HttpContext 0x232ab40.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519300 [INFO] [43527] Rewrite directive: </IfModule> bypassed.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519302 [INFO] [43527] Rewrite directive: <IfModule mod_headers.c> bypassed.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519304 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: Header always set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519306 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519308 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" env=HTTPS
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519310 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: Header always set Referrer-Policy "same-origin"
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519312 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: Header always set Permissions-Policy "accelerometer=(), ambient-light-sensor=(), autoplay=(), battery=(), camera=(), cross-origin-isolated=(), display-capture=(), document-domain=(), encrypted-media=(), execution-while-not-rendered=(), execution-while-out-of-viewport=(), fullscreen=(self), geolocation=(self), gyroscope=(), keyboard-map=(), magnetometer=(), microphone=(), midi=(), navigation-override=(), payment=(), picture-in-picture=(), publickey-credentials-get=(), screen-wake-lock=(), sync-xhr=(), usb=(), web-share=(), xr-spatial-tracking=(), clipboard-read=(), clipboard-write=(), gamepad=(), speaker-selection=()"
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519314 [INFO] [43527] Rewrite directive: </IfModule> bypassed.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519316 [INFO] [43527] RewriteFile [/usr/local/lsws/dev.website-test.com/public_html/.htaccess] parsed, return 0.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519330 [INFO] [43527] [config:server:vhosts:vhost:dev.website-test.com] config context /wp-admin/.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519342 [INFO] [43527] [config:server:vhosts:vhost:dev.website-test.com] config context /wp-content/uploads/.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519365 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: <FilesMatch "\.(?i:php)$">
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519368 [INFO] [43527] Rewrite directive: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> bypassed.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519370 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: Order allow,deny
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519372 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: Deny from all
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519374 [INFO] [43527] Rewrite directive: </IfModule> bypassed.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519375 [INFO] [43527] Rewrite directive: <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> bypassed.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519380 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: Require all denied
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519382 [INFO] [43527] Rewrite directive: </IfModule> bypassed.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519384 [INFO] [43527] Invalid rewrite directive: </FilesMatch>
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519386 [INFO] [43527] RewriteFile [/usr/local/lsws/dev.website-test.com/public_html/wp-content/uploads/.htaccess] parsed, return 0.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519388 [INFO] [43527] [config:server:vhosts:vhost:dev.website-test.com] config context exp:^.*(css|gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|png|webp|woff|woff2|fon|fot|ttf)$.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519499 [INFO] [43527] [PlainConf] [virtualHostTemplate:] start parsing file /usr/local/lsws/conf/templates/ccl.conf
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519715 [INFO] [43527] [PlainConf] [virtualHostTemplate:] Finished parsing file /usr/local/lsws/conf/templates/ccl.conf
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519722 [INFO] [43527] [PlainConf] [context:/] rewrite [] add rules [rewritefile .htaccess]
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519770 [ERROR] [43527] [config:template:centralConfigLog] Listener [Default] does not exist
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519791 [INFO] [43527] [PlainConf] [virtualHostTemplate:] start parsing file /usr/local/lsws/conf/templates/rails.conf
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519978 [INFO] [43527] [PlainConf] [virtualHostTemplate:] Finished parsing file /usr/local/lsws/conf/templates/rails.conf
2024-01-19 18:01:49.519984 [INFO] [43527] [PlainConf] [context:/] rewrite [] add rules [rewritefile .htaccess]
2024-01-19 18:01:49.520026 [ERROR] [43527] [config:template:EasyRailsWithSuEXEC] Listener [Default] does not exist
2024-01-19 18:01:49.520039 [NOTICE] [43527] [ZConfManager] No VHosts added, do not send!
2024-01-19 18:01:49.520212 [NOTICE] [43527] Instance is ready for service. m_fdCmd 51, m_fdAdmin 6.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.520664 [NOTICE] [43527] [AutoRestarter] new child process with pid=43529 is forked!
2024-01-19 18:01:49.520986 [NOTICE] [43527] [AutoRestarter] new child process with pid=43530 is forked!
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521122 [INFO] [43529] [UDP:] initPacketsIn: allocated 100 packets
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521139 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #2 fd: 11.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521142 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #3 fd: 12.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521145 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #4 fd: 13.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521147 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #5 fd: 14.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521150 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #6 fd: 15.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521152 [NOTICE] [43529] [] Worker #1 activates SO_REUSEPORT #1 socket, fd: 10
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521164 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #2 fd: 18.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521167 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #3 fd: 19.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521169 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #4 fd: 20.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521171 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #5 fd: 21.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521174 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #6 fd: 22.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521176 [NOTICE] [43529] [] Worker #1 activates SO_REUSEPORT #1 socket, fd: 16
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521181 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #2 fd: 24.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521183 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #3 fd: 25.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521186 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #4 fd: 26.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521188 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #5 fd: 27.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521190 [INFO] [43529] Close SO_REUSEPORT #6 fd: 28.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521193 [NOTICE] [43529] [UDP] Worker #1 activates SO_REUSEPORT #1 socket, fd: 23
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521196 [INFO] [43529] [UDP:] initPacketsIn: allocated 100 packets
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521276 [NOTICE] [43527] [AutoRestarter] new child process with pid=43531 is forked!
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521319 [NOTICE] [43529] AIO is not supported on this machine!
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521343 [NOTICE] [43529] Successfully change current user to nobody
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521350 [NOTICE] [43529] Core dump is enabled.
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521412 [NOTICE] [43529] Setup swapping space...
2024-01-19 18:01:49.521439 [NOTICE] [43529] LiteSpeed/1.7.19 Open starts successfully!


Active Member
from time to time QuickCloud CDN is not able to reach my server even without any firewall on the server side. The only roslution so far is to restart LSWS (systemctl restart lsws). Any idea this could happen?
If you are on OLS, webserver is not LSWS, but it is OLS. LSWS === LiteSpeed Enterprise
All errors your provide have nothing to do if your server is not connectable with quic.cloud, but are related to settings that are not supported by OLS, so set such headers in OLS config instead of .htaccess.

If you want to check quic.cloud nodes check this: https://status.quic.cloud/