Recent content by airween

  1. airween

    OLS 1.8.2 upgrade std::length_error + breaks mod_security

    Thanks guys for everything! Let us know if we can help anything!
  2. airween

    OLS 1.8.2 upgrade std::length_error + breaks mod_security

    @Cold-Egg Thanks! Could we share this information in a blog post on Perhaps it could be instructive for other users.
  3. airween

    OLS 1.8.2 upgrade std::length_error + breaks mod_security

    @Cold-Egg Vow, thanks! Could you provide some information about your GCC versions? I mean what was the "old" version and what's the "minimal expected" version? I should update our Wiki pages. Btw I'm the maintainer of non-official repository, where we...
  4. airween

    OLS 1.8.2 upgrade std::length_error + breaks mod_security

    We would like to fix, but as I wrote above, we couldn't reproduce that problem. This is why we need some support from OLS team.
  5. airween

    OLS 1.8.2 upgrade std::length_error + breaks mod_security

    We can't fix the issue because we can't reproduce that (neither with Nginx nor library's own regression test framework). This is why I asked a core dump or something help...
  6. airween

    OLS 1.8.2 upgrade std::length_error + breaks mod_security

    Hi all, I'm one of the ModSecurity developers and try to solve this problem. There is an open issue on ModSecurity's GH page, but unfortunately I was not able to reproduce this error neither with Nginx nor the library's own regression test. Could you send us a core dump in e-mail to...