Recent content by neo7

  1. N

    Multiple wp domains one virtualhost config

    We created master virtualhost template, do we simply need to add add the directory block in the template file ? or is there any other way/option. <Directory "/var/www/vhosts"> AllowOverride All Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch FollowSymLinks Require all granted </Directory>...
  2. N

    SetEnvIf Alternative

    Posted in wrong section, please move this thread to General OpenLiteSpeed Discussion. Thanks!
  3. N

    SetEnvIf Alternative

    Need assistance with rewrite rule alternative for SetEnvIf directive SetEnvIf Host ^.? site_host=default SetEnvIf Host ^(.+) site_host=$1 SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Host ^(.+) site_host=$1 something similar to :
  4. N

    Multiple wp domains one virtualhost config

    As per the Mass Hosting feature - Build a High Availability Large Scale Mass Hosting Platform with LiteSpeed. Managed Through cPanel, Redis, or Rewrite Map Files.Support Rewrite Based, cPanel Clustering and High Availability with Redis...
  5. N

    Multiple wp domains one virtualhost config

    Thanks for getting back, I was not looking for the multi -domain configuration as sub folders but each distinct domains (domain1, domain2 and so on) . All sites are WP and is there is no way to create a catch-all config file for all hosts ? With the detailed feature comparison between LS and...
  6. N

    Multiple wp domains one virtualhost config

    We switched to OLS, Is it possible to map several distinct wp domains to one vhost, can we configure to have a single virtual host config file for all WP sites (instead of separate virtualhost for each WP site, domain1, domain2 and so on). Here we need a generic Virtual Host file commonly served...
  7. N

    Problem with installing OLS on Devuan 9

    Trying to replace Apache2 with OLS on Devuan 9 and unable to get pass the installation process. It's giving - detecting OS type : This distribution is not currently supported by LST repo If you really have the needs please contact LiteSpeed for support register LiteSpeed GPG key root@h:#...