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  1. Cold-Egg

    Multiple lsphp with high CPU usage

    HI @Rhino, Do you mean that the server load is even lower without the LSCache plugin? But the load is coming from the PHP process, could you compare it with/without lscache plugin? Since the site has just a few pages, it should help once the pages are cached. I also checked your screenshots...
  2. Cold-Egg

    detect external loop redirection with target URL rewrite error for wp-admin

    It detects a loop. What rules have you applied, can you share?
  3. Cold-Egg

    How to install ionCube 13 in PHP 8.1??

    No Estimated Time of Arrival.
  4. Cold-Egg

    How to install ionCube 13 in PHP 8.1??

    Once it's released, you can use package update to update it to the latest version.
  5. Cold-Egg

    Rewrite based on HTTP_REFERER

    You can use RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} to match mypage, and redirect all to the main domain URL in the .htaccess file without using the context. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} mypage RewriteRule .* https:/yourmaindomain or just redirect mypage to / RewriteRule ^mypage/(.*)$ /$1
  6. Cold-Egg

    No OLS 1.8 in repo

    no ETA yet, check if you want to use the latest version manually.
  7. Cold-Egg site cert invalid

    Thanks for the report, we haven't used that domain for a very long time. Please ignore it.
  8. Cold-Egg

    No OLS 1.8 in repo

    Hi, It will be pushed to the repo once it's marked as Stable released.
  9. Cold-Egg

    Chown warning on installation

    The issue should have been addressed with the latest package. To update to the latest, you can use apt update and upgrade the package.
  10. Cold-Egg

    I really messed up my file permissions and owners

    I remember package update would fix the permission, not sure if lsup is able to fix it or not. Sure, you can raise an issue on git.
  11. Cold-Egg

    Ubuntu 24.04 Support

    Hi, The package should support 24.04 already, but there are still some minor issues that need to be fixed. I'd recommend you to try it after a few days.
  12. Cold-Egg

    How configure ASGI instead of default WSGI

    Do you want to use the production site and Django with the same domain? To set up a reverse proxy, you don't need to stop anything, please check setup guide. A `service lsws stop` could stop it, but you don't have to do it. Simply change the...
  13. Cold-Egg

    https redirect issue

    Sure thing.
  14. Cold-Egg

    https redirect issue

    It's not needed, you can remove it or change Apache's port number from e.g. 80/443 to 1080/1443.
  15. Cold-Egg

    https redirect issue

    The listener with Port 80 is not up, maybe you have a config issue or another service is using the same port, you might need to fix this part first.
  16. Cold-Egg

    Assistance Required with ModSecurity Rule Compatibility for OpenLiteSpeed

    I tried to use as an example, and it works on my OLS site. SecRule REQUEST_COOKIES:PHPSESSID !^$ "phase:2,id:1070,nolog,pass,setsid:%{REQUEST_COOKIES.PHPSESSID}" SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent...
  17. Cold-Egg

    How to install ionCube 13 in PHP 8.1??

    CyberPanel uses the package from Which version is lsphp81-ioncube_12.0.5. I will forward the update request(ioncube 13) to our build master but no ETA. To get the version now, you might want to build it on your own, or wait for the new...
  18. Cold-Egg

    Latest version number mismatch (Cannot find v1.8.0)

    Possibly our dev has some issues that need to be checked. You can still use 1.7.19 and lsup to v.1.8.0 or even 1.8.1 as a temporary solution.
  19. Cold-Egg

    https redirect issue

    Try putting the following rules on the top of your .htaccess file, graceful restart OLS, and see if it works. RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI}/$1 [R,L]