Please enable advance debug log to all IPs , then purge all , purge CCSS , and access the home page , then check the debug log , it should state what was going on.
Best regards,
I don't know much about CloudFront , but if your previous , before-CloudFront , setting works , then you should probably need to check CloudFront setting if there is any setting that passes the client IP.
a simple bash script should do it for you
have you checked this ?
after you made change, run pkill lsphp to kill php process and check phpinfo and wordfence
this is like WP issue , not Cyberpanel or OLS
have you tried this ?
the second page , suggested to add add_filter( 'big_image_size_threshold', '__return_false' );
please give it a try and see how it goes
May I know what is your OLS version ?
/usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -v
should tell you the version.
I just tested with OLS + PHP 73 on Wordpress and uploaded a plugin zip without problem , over HTTPS.
try max conn set to a lower number , like 10 or 20
set PHP_LSAPI_CHILDREN=120 to same number as max conn
set instance to 1
you are allowing over 120 PHP processes at same time , that could overload the server when that many PHP running.
You need to check the log for 503
yes, when cache...