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  1. Cold-Egg

    VPS Symfony app - error 404 except on root route

    I don't see an issue with the config yet. Did you change any settings or upgrade any package recently?
  2. Cold-Egg

    Unable to Use Git PUSH with AWS AMI "WordPress with LiteSpeed" ?

    Not sure if this is the same case as yours,
  3. Cold-Egg

    Failed to get process [18953] start time, not running, skip killing.

    If you think it's not permission-related, then you might want to check the folder size, as well as the tmp folder.
  4. Cold-Egg

    How can I host two (or more) Python Flask apps on the same OLS server

    What if you try to restart the lswsgi process? killall lswsgi Does any error show in logs? tail -f /usr/local/lsws/logs/*
  5. Cold-Egg

    Failed to get process [18953] start time, not running, skip killing.

    What does it show on WordPress UI? Is it a large file? and what's the suffix of the media file?
  6. Cold-Egg

    How can I host two (or more) Python Flask apps on the same OLS server

    I set up multiple Django Apps on the same VPS without issue. May I know if you have set up different domain names for these two virtual hosts? Before creating the app context in the second virtual host, does the site is still working normally?
  7. Cold-Egg

    apache .htaccess to OLS migration

    HI, 1. You only need to set Rewrite to On from the web admin. Check item 6 of the 2. Check 3. You need a "space" after the...
  8. Cold-Egg

    Curl with http/3 option cannot get web page

    It is expected that the first URL load with http/2 first then the same URL with http/3 is loaded. Chrome has to learn about a site that supports HTTP/3, this is done through HTTP headers, so the first request will be HTTP/2
  9. Cold-Egg

    Adding Alias Domain to DigitialOcean Droplete

    I saw you already found the exact post to follow
  10. Cold-Egg

    error 403 - owner of file does not match owner of vhost - strange one

    HIHI, just so everyone knows that the developers have openlitespeed package updated to address this issue. New rpm and Debian packages have been pushed. Please let us know if you encounter the same issue again.
  11. Cold-Egg

    Reverse proxy: Backend's SSL certificate not verified?

    I see, there's no such feature in OLS currently, not sure if Apache has this feature or this is for Nginx only. The proxy may not verify SSL cert, or fall back to a non-secure connection, so I don't see an actual issue in the real world. Another example is Cloudflare in the front, many users are...
  12. Cold-Egg

    OLS strange query string

    It does not shows on my test server, may I know if it shows with a fresh setup? I mean no site migration yet? and which OS are you using?
  13. Cold-Egg

    Curl with http/3 option cannot get web page

    I am not so sure about the curl issue actually. If both of the http3check tool and chrome extension show HTTP/3, then you might want to check on the curl. Just curious, did you use the default curl package?
  14. Cold-Egg

    Google Cloud services openlitespeed-wordpress installation, can't open

    ufw is a system firewall, the firewall on the network layer should also have port 7080 set to allow, can you double confirm?
  15. Cold-Egg

    Curl with http/3 option cannot get web page

    Could you share any site URL so we can check? Have you checked with when v1.7.x is running?
  16. Cold-Egg

    How to setup an core website

    Not sure the details, just an idea, maybe you can set up a .well-known context for the verification.
  17. Cold-Egg

    404 not found after hosting godaddy domain to digitalocean

    If you have OLS server launched from the marketplace, please add the domain to the listener or check this doc for setting up the listener domain mapping...
  18. Cold-Egg

    memcached not available in bullseye

    Confirmed the issue, we will fix it. :)
  19. Cold-Egg

    lsphp8.1 support

    I see, those PHP packages are still not out yet, so we will not be able to provide it. Please use 80 instead.