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  1. Cold-Egg

    Need to access a php file via an IP address

    okok glad to know it works now.
  2. Cold-Egg

    bash: /usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd: No such file or directory

    Hi, May I know which OS you installed the ols1clk? Have you tried openlitespeed wprdoress image on GCP? should be much faster for you to launch the solution.
  3. Cold-Egg

    Cache does not refresh automatically

    Please share your Environment Report: Navigate to **LiteSpeed Cache > Toolbox > Report**, press the **Send to LiteSpeed** button, and let us know what it says under "Report Number." We'll be able to access the report from here and get some information about your configuration that might be helpful.
  4. Cold-Egg

    Failed to build OpenLiteSpeed from src

    Hi, Only mod_pagespeed has a problem. Since it is optional and openlitespeed binary is ready, maybe you can give it a try.
  5. Cold-Egg

    Failed to build OpenLiteSpeed from src

    Hi, The method you built boringssl is incorrect, also the cmake failed due to cache. Please try to remove third-party/src/boringssl/ completely, and try again.
  6. Cold-Egg

    Basic auth realm always promting auth even the password is correct

    Not sure what did you mean, /wp-login.php and /wp-login.php?123 should all be restricted.
  7. Cold-Egg

    Cache does not refresh automatically

    May I know which CMS you are using?
  8. Cold-Egg

    Cannot edit/change Virtual Host Mappings in listener (via WebAdmin Console interface)

    Not sure. But you could access to the "/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf" from SSH console, edit it with vi and scroll down to the listener section like follows, and remove the '*' from the 3rd one. listener wordpress { address *:80 Hope it helps.
  9. Cold-Egg

    Failed to build OpenLiteSpeed from src

    Thanks for the information, Please run the following command and make sure it is completed successfully ../third-parity/script/
  10. Cold-Egg

    Failed to build OpenLiteSpeed from src

    Hi, Please remove the "third-party" directory parallel to openlitespeed source directory. Then run the again, make sure "third-party" libraries have been built successfully.
  11. Cold-Egg

    Webadmin Login Page not Secure after one-click install wordpress on Cloud

    1. Use the same should be fine. 2. Can skip this and see if the web admin page loads fine or not
  12. Cold-Egg

    Basic auth realm always promting auth even the password is correct

    Looks fine to me, and there should has no permission issue if you created the file by the web admin. I just tried $SERVER_ROOT/conf/vhosts/$VH_NAME/htpasswd and it works for me, could you try to test it without the group?
  13. Cold-Egg

    500 litespeed wordpress error when activating http / 2 css and js in litespeed cache plugin.

    Could you share some of the 500/503 error logs? Maybe it's due to you are using GET HTTP/1.1 whereas PUSH is a feature for HTTP/2?
  14. Cold-Egg

    QUIC cc logs

    Quic Log also can be found in the /usr/local/lsws/logs/error.log, you can change the log level to display more if needed.
  15. Cold-Egg

    can't reach webadmin adn phpmyadmin

    Seems only port 80 and 443 can go through, maybe you have firewall setup on the server or network level.
  16. Cold-Egg

    Webadmin Login Page not Secure after one-click install wordpress on Cloud

    It's not a problem, the web admin will use an invalid cert by default in order to use HTTPS by default. If you want to set a valid cert for the web admin, check which is similar to OpenLiteSpeed.
  17. Cold-Egg

    Using QUIC cc protocol with OpenLiteSpeed

    Yes, the secure is needed. No problem, glad to know it works now.
  18. Cold-Egg

    Basic auth realm always promting auth even the password is correct

    May I know where the pass file is located, maybe it's due to the permission so you can not pass it at all.
  19. Cold-Egg

    Problem with Error 404 Not Found - PrestaShop

    If this is on a shared server, it's might be LSWS instead of OLS. I'm not sure about your setup steps, maybe you can contact the hosting manager for help?