1. https://docs.litespeedtech.com/cloud/images/wordpress/#web-server-control-panel-access
2. Sure, if you don't want it at all. rm -rf /var/www/phpmyadmin/, it won't affect wordperss.
To add extra headers, check https://openlitespeed.org/kb/setting-up-cors-on-openlitespeed/.
About PHP version, you can find the php.ini file and set expose_php = Off. FYI, lsphp should be off by default.
How about
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^12\.34\.56\.789$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domainname.com/$1 [L,R=301]
Remember to restart web server
service lsws restart
Check doc here https://docs.litespeedtech.com/cloud/images/wordpress/#how-do-i-secure-phpmyadmin.
You can 1. change URL, 2. strict IP or 3. password required.
Please check your wordpress home and site URL are set to www domain.
If you setup wordpress site with www domain, then it should auto redirect IP to the www domain without extra configuration.
Yes it's possible, please check doc https://docs.litespeedtech.com/cloud/images/wordpress/#how-do-i-create-additional-virtual-hosts
The easiest way to me is via command,
/bin/bash <( curl -sk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litespeedtech/ls-cloud-image/master/Setup/vhsetup.sh ) -d...
OLS supports rewrite rule only, other rules will be ignored. So any cloaking plugin shouldn't cause the 404 issue. It's more like domain changing or caching issue to me. Please purge all cache after you change the domain on both LSCache plugin and Cloudflare. Hope it helps.
I guess you are migrating your own site to the OpenLiteSpeed WordPress Image server?
1. If you copy the .htaccess content to the new server, please restart lsws to load the rules.
service lsws restart
2. Optimized static file shows 404, please provide one of the static file URL so we can...
Rules look fine to me.
Could you check the error log and see if it going through Rewrite rules when 404 issue happens? You might want to set a number like 9 in the rewrite log level. If you know the method to reproduce it, please submit a ticket with us.
Probably not support in .htaccess file since OpenLiteSpeed support rewrite rules only, but you can set in the context.
What's the output of "sudo /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/lsup.sh -v 1.7.3", this method should works.
Since you can't figure it out for a while, better raise a ticket with us support@litespeedtech.com