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  1. Cold-Egg

    openlitespeed vhost

    You need to set port offset, but any reason you want to run multiple web servers at the same time?
  2. Cold-Egg

    There is a problem in setting Multiple Dedicated SSL for two different domains.

    OLS does support SNI, so users can set SSL certificates at the virtual host level.
  3. Cold-Egg

    404 For Backup

    @kbnduy12 , Sorry for the inconvenient, please share one more information. With `top` command, how many Memory is total/free/used, and which process use the most? If it's PHP or OLS then we may need to look into this. Best
  4. Cold-Egg

    Where is HSTS setting in OpenLiteSpeed web admin panel?

    Hi, You can check/update server config from `/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf` and virtual host conf `/usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts/`
  5. Cold-Egg

    404 For Backup

    Please check if you have enough memory left first. thanks
  6. Cold-Egg

    There is a problem in setting Multiple Dedicated SSL for two different domains.

    Just to clarify. If you set SSL Listener -> SSL tab ``` private key - example.kk /privatekey.pem Cert - example.kk /fullchain.pem Chained - yes ``` example1.kk VH->SSL tab ``` private key - example1.kk /privatekey.pem Cert - example1.kk /fullchain.pem Chained - yes ``` And you can verify the...
  7. Cold-Egg

    Two domains at 80 and 443 ports not running simultaneously

    Hi @andylegenki , You may not want to have duplicated port number on listeners. Simply add those virtualhostS mapping to the listeners and it should work. Best, Eric
  8. Cold-Egg

    OpenLiteSpeed version update for reCAPTCHA

    Please check .
  9. Cold-Egg

    OpenLiteSpeed version update for reCAPTCHA

    Hi, Please check here Latest version from repository now is 1.4.50, so install/upgrade may not bring you to the version you are looking for. Best
  10. Cold-Egg

    The lsphp 7.3 version and the behavior of CMS MOODLE

    Could you create a phpinfo page and verify the php version there? Best
  11. Cold-Egg

    Google Crawler Time Download Page with Litespeed

    Possible to share any demo URL which has LiteSpeed running with?
  12. Cold-Egg

    OLS Wordpress + Wordfence config?

    Hi @lawang21 , Could you share the php info page, does it loads path correctly? Best
  13. Cold-Egg

    Possible to add additional IP addresses to server

    Login to ssh and list interfaces with command - for CentOS: `ip a` - for ubuntu: `ifconfig` Let us know if you can see all public IPs on it
  14. Cold-Egg

    Possible to add additional IP addresses to server

    May I ask those IP can be found from Linux server interface? Or it's attached from upper network level?
  15. Cold-Egg

    OpenLiteSpeed Won't Start - Error with path for SSL files

    Since you have key, cert and knowing where to set the path on the config file. Just make sure that these files can be read by lsadm. If not, run chown lsadm:lsadm on each file so that the Web Admin GUI can read these files, that's it. Let us know if it works. thanks
  16. Cold-Egg

    OpenLiteSpeed Won't Start - Error with path for SSL files

    Should be here `/usr/local/lsws/admin/conf/admin_config.conf` and you should see there's a section of "listener adminListener"
  17. Cold-Egg

    OpenLiteSpeed Won't Start - Error with path for SSL files

    You need to enable TCP port 7080 from firewall first, then you should be able to access https://IP:7080 By the way, if you don't know how to access the GUI why you want to change the cert for web admin (port 7080)?
  18. Cold-Egg

    OpenLiteSpeed Won't Start - Error with path for SSL files

    Hi @niallt , $SERVER_ROOT here is equal to /usr/local/lsws , and if you set $SERVER_ROOT/usr/local/lsws/admin/conf/ will equal to /usr/local/lsws/usr/local/lsws/admin/conf/ which is Incorrect. Please make sure you are using the right cert path. Best, Eric
  19. Cold-Egg

    Redirect 404 errors to /

    Check here . You can either turn on from web admin or from ssh console.
  20. Cold-Egg

    Redirect 404 errors to /

    You can also try following rules if ErrorDocument not supported RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule . / [L]