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  1. remics

    How to block access to a PHP script using .htaccess

    It's helps a lot. Thank you!
  2. remics

    How to block access to a PHP script using .htaccess

    I tried using the code below that I found on the internet, but it didn't work. <Files base.php> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from </Files>
  3. remics

    Capture the clear cache in the "litespeed cache" event

    Hello! I am a developer and one vital thing to keep my application working would be to somehow "intercept" when a request is made to clear the Litespeed Cache cache via the litespeed cache plugin. I don't want to develop a wordpress plugin for this but a server side solution. I have the...
  4. remics

    Directory listening on OpenLitespeed

    How I can enable Directory listening to a specific domain using OpenLitesped ?
  5. remics

    Many LSPHP processes - DirectAdmin

    I have problems using OpenLitespeed with directadmin. I have followed the steps of this tutorial, but many lsphp processes are being created and this is wiping out my server's memory by taking it offline. How do I solve this? I noticed that when I...