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  1. lskagan

    Issues With Python WSGI

    Can you try changing your configuration settings to be more like this: Try to make sure you dont have a -1 just in case. It looks like either python is...
  2. lskagan

    PHP Restarts on Long Script

    There are PHP timeouts also on the External App level. Please check the timeout setting under External App and increase that.
  3. lskagan

    Issues With Python WSGI

    Is it possible to get the content of your hello world file. Also can you check the stderr.log to see if there is any information in that file?
  4. lskagan

    Php Setups

    It will be 10 lsphp processes per account but OpenLiteSpeed does not support working with Apache + cPanel.
  5. lskagan

    SSL VHOST Config

    You will also need to setup a server SSL certificate. This can be a self signed certificate and you need to add it to the Listener under the SSL tab there. Once that is setup then everything should begin working with SSL.
  6. lskagan

    OpenLiteSpeed v1.4.28 Now Available

    @jivy26 If you installed OLS via our RPM or DEB packages then all you need to do is run yum update or apt-get update && apt-get upgrade . If you manually compiled OLS from source all you need to to do is build the latest package and overwrite the binaries located in /usr/local/lsws/bin/ .
  7. lskagan

    Help, incomplete PHP71 from OLWS repository Debian 9

    What is the output if run the following command? `dpkg -l | grep lsphp`
  8. lskagan

    Toggle Debug Logging

    Clicking it once enables it, clicking it a second time disabled it. You can notice a difference if you tail an error log file and visit a page. You should see a lot more information than normal.
  9. lskagan

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.

    As mentioned in the log, there was no request delivery notification received from the LSAPI. This means that the PHP process got hung up on something. In order to properly diagnose the issue, please try the following steps: - Turn on debug logging for OLS. - run 'top' in a terminal. Once it...
  10. lskagan

    Toggle Debug Logging

    Debug logging button will enable the full debug log regardless of log settings on the fly. This will allow you to enable/disable it without changing settings. Though if you have log level debug + debug level to 9 it will constantly write as debug regardless of state.
  11. lskagan

    OLS Upgrade on Live Server

    Yes you can follow that guide. Be sure to make a copy/backup of /usr/local/lsws just in case.
  12. lskagan

    OLS Upgrade on Live Server

    1.2.6 is a very old version about 4 years old. We cannot reliably guarantee that there will be no issues when upgrading to the latest version as a lot has changed. We would recommend backing up the /usr/local/lsws folder ( or wherever you currently have OLS installed ). There have been many...
  13. lskagan

    install redis on php 7 (lsphp70)

    Should be something like this: /usr/local/lsws/lsphp55/bin/pecl install redis
  14. lskagan

    cloudflare and openlitespeed

    This seems like some css is being corrupted somewhere and not sure if on CloudFlare or OLS level as it doesn't always happen. When the issue happens can you check developer tools to see if there were any issues loading any of the resources ( css,html,images,js,etc)? Are you using PageSpeed?
  15. lskagan

    cloudflare and openlitespeed

    How does it break your forum?
  16. lskagan

    Install OLS, Mysql, Phpmyadmin, SSL, and Wordpress on Ubuntu 16.04

    Hello @adz Is it possible to get a screenshot of your context page?
  17. lskagan

    install redis on php 7 (lsphp70)

    Currently we do not have a prepackaged .deb file for redis. We are always looking on how to improve our repos and we will look into adding redis for future updates to PHP. Until then, the easiest way to get up and running with redis would be with PECL and PEAR. We have a wiki on this here for...
  18. lskagan

    Error in compiling (Debian 9)

    Under /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf you should see user and group settings. You will want to change both of these to either nobody or nogroup.
  19. lskagan

    OpenLiteSpeed 1 Click install Debian Stretch

    We are still working on getting the Debian 9 repo up and working correctly. Should be up with all the packages soon.
  20. lskagan

    Multiple PHPs

    You will want to make sure you created a new External App for each version of PHP installed. Then in vhosts point to the correct version under script handlers. You do not want to copy/paste files as this will break things more. It seems as though the links you sent are all Apache and are all...