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  1. H

    Difficulty in setting up letsencrypt SSL

    Hi, I have installed OpenliteSpeed through one-click install. But setting up letsencrypt SSL is big probelm. I am still not able to setup it properly. All the instruction are old and not working. Can someone please point me toward the right Guide or webpage that clearly outline the setup of...
  2. H

    One Click WordPress installation not working on Vultr

    Hi, I have tried 5 times to installed WordPress on new Vultr VPS but every time I am getting the following error. Finished setting up WordPress. Finished MySQL setup without error. Trying to stop some web servers that may be using port 80. [OK] litespeed: pid=4450. Please be aware that your...
  3. H

    CentOS vs Ubuntu 18.04 for Openlitespeed

    Hello Experts, I am new to Litespeed and want to test it, before moving my site. I want to know which OS you recommend for openlitespeed CentOS or Ubuntu 18.04. I mean which one is used by the most openlitespeed users. This is to make sure that I will get help for the same if I get stuck...