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  1. siefu

    x-forwarded-for in openlitespeed

    Dear pong, after further check, it is working properly, it is just enable in 'use client ip in header' the reason x-forwarded ip doesnt show before because i'm using ssl, loadbalance wrongly offload ssl so that is the reason x-forwarded ip doesnt show. thanks for your reply
  2. siefu

    x-forwarded-for in openlitespeed

    Dear Pong, we are using version 1.4.30 . will try to upgrade first and do some testing. if its not help will log a ticket.
  3. siefu

    x-forwarded-for in openlitespeed

    hi, my server are behind proxy / loadbalance. in order to show the real ip i need to enable x-forded-for (if in apache). i do some googling, it is "use client ip header" and i need to enable it - put it yes. i have done the setup, then restart the server. the access log still shown the ip...
  4. siefu

    rewrite for simplesaml

    Dear Pong, Thanks, found the error
  5. siefu

    rewrite for simplesaml

    hi, i try to setup simplesaml in my web server using openlitespeed. somehow there is 404 error and one things that i can't figure out to setup is "require all granted" for path directory /var/simplesamlphp/www <Directory /var/simplesamlphp/www/> Require all granted </Directory> anyone...